Oh, Louise, I absolutely LOVED reading this. I'm 18 months in, and this piece squeezed me from the inside out. Especially the NOISE. Sending so much love and congratulations. I'm in awe of your courage and grateful for your beautiful words.

When I decided to stop, I looked 'fine' - but I knew the chemicals in alcohol always made me feel profoundly sad, and I knew that I was buffering, tolerating and ignoring thousands of tiny things that were no good for me. I'm still finding my way but I'm so happy to be here.

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This is exactly what I needed to read right now! I’m so not interested in being hungover any more, I’m ready to cut back a little, but I’m not sure how that will look in my life. I like being social more than I like drinking, but how will I separate the two? I’m giving it a go anyway.

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I always take something from your posts Louise.

I dabbled in sobriety last year and I definitely think my days of hangovers are well and truly behind me. I learned from my experience and know my limits. I don't know how my relationship with alcohol will pan out in 2024 but I'm more mindful of what and how much I drink.

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I quit smoking in Jan 2020 so along with that to help I slowed down on the drinking. I was a girl who never missed a weekend out in the pubs with friends for fear of missing out! Then Covid and lockdown happened and I realised it was fine and actually quite nice to wake up hangover free with no overwhelming anxiety and guilts for any actions the night before.

I’ve never felt better mentally! It’s actually nice to hang out with friends and just talk and bond without the alcohol clouding things. I’ve realised I can be just as funny and honest without the alcohol too, turns out that was just my personality it wasn’t the alcohol enabling it.

I have since tried going out again .. but the noise, you can’t have a conversation unless you go outside to smoke 🤦🏼‍♀️ And oh my gosh way too many young people some of which I used to babysit are now old enough to drink and have sex, it’s mildly disturbing!

Anyway, Ile stop rambling, I’m all for sobriety! Your post has really spoken to me today, I can relate to a lot of it, well done on 7 years, long may the good skin and good vibes continue x

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